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Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Sushi Adventure

Last night we had dinner with Billy's boss and his wife. They are friends of ours too... Anyway, we went to a sushi bar in Florence ( They took Billy there back in Jan when I was still in PA with the girls and this was my first time. Oh, I want more sushi!!! We started with soup that had a chicken broth base with sea weed, scallions, and mushrooms. Next was a salad with ginger dressing...yum! We had some appetizers - dumplings and egg rolls - both I actually ate with chop sticks. Then was the 'sushi boat' (literally). The sushi came out on a boat that sat on the table. I had raw tuna, salmon, squid, eel, and mackerel. It all was so good! We drank green tea all night. We also had some green tea ice cream, sauteed soft shell crab (you eat the whole crab!!!!), and soy beans. The meal was amazing and I want to go back.

The funniest part of the meal was the waitress. She was a 'nut'. She was Japanese and most of the time I could not understand her. She would literally run from table to table to get orders and shake her head and hands like mad.

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