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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Metal Detecting

So, Billy loves to metal detect. He will often take his detector in his car when he goes to work so if he has a few minutes, he will stop and play. Well, I get a phone call from Billy that is strange. He said in a panic tone of voice that he wants me to have 2 beach towels and a very wet hand towel ready for him when he gets home in a few minutes. He would not tell me why. I waited on the front porch for him, not knowing what to expect when he opens up his car door. He pulls in the driveway and right up to the front porch. I am waiting in expectation. He opens the car door and the sight I saw almost made me pee my pants (easy to do when you are 6 months pregnant) from laughter. I first saw his hand that was caked with mud...I wondered, could there be more? Ohhh YES, LOTS MORE. He was in his nursing scrubs and was caked with more mud - from his waist to his feet and you could not even tell the color of his sneakers...what a sight. I could not help but laugh. I tried to get the camera, but Billy just started stripping his clothes off on the porch before I had a chance to get the camera. Then, he tells me what happened... He found a huge dirt pile and decided to check it out. He saw a wet spot on top and just barely stepped on the outside of it thinking it was just a puddle in the mound. Wrong - he fell into a hole!!!!! He said he could not believe how deep the hole was and did not know if he was ever going to stop falling. Once he got his composure from the fall, he tried to crawl up out of the hole hoping no one would see what was happening. He said he got to his car so fast to avoid embarrassment and headed home. Alessandra won't stop talking about Daddy falling into a hole, how muddy he was, and how funny he looked. A moment none of us will ever forget!

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