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Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Story About Isabella

Our little Isabella. She is unbelievable! Yesterday, I was showing Alessandra some snails. Alessandra was enjoying picking them up and holding them. Billy and I left the kids get wet in the rain and as they were playing, Billy looked at Isabella and noticed she was chewing on something. (Isabella puts everything in her mouth) Anyway, in her hand was a shell, yes, just a shell of a snail. So, you can guess what she was chewing on... You got it! Yes, a snail!!!! As Billy was trying to get the mush out of her mouth, he had to pound on her back because she was choking on the slime. She was still gripping the shell in her hand! She did not seem to mind the taste of the snail, but she was mad that Daddy was getting it out of her mouth!

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