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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Fried Turkey

Our neighbor made us this delicious fried turkey today. The fried it in peanut oil and put a turkey rub on the turkey and injected the turkey with seasonings. Oh was it delicious. For dinner we had sweet potatoes, mixed veggies, corn bread muffins, and this wonderful turkey. No meal is complete without JaNel cutting her finger...yes, on the mandolin slicer. I was slicing the sweet potatoes and the slicer was not careful with me and made this nice slice on my finger. It did not prevent me from eatting this turkey!

Yogurt Anyone?

Alessandra loves eatting yogurt.

My Mommy and Me

Yes, it is 12/24 and we are wearing tee-shirts! It was beautiful today.

My New Toy

Alessandra tries out her new toy. She needs help because her feet don't touch the pedals yet. Can you guess what is missing from her mouth??? Take a good look because it does not happen often!

That was Exhausting!!!!

Isabella just could not keep her eyes open. She has been up since 5 am and is now out...sucking her thumb. That has become a pretty regular sight.
Mama and Alessandra are playing with Isabella's walker. It sure is a fun walker!!! We will break it in for Isabella.

Mama and Isabella

Happy Birthday Jesus!

We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and Alessandra blew out the candle. We then ate the cake. Mama made a whole wheat honey loaf with cream cheese frosting...yummy!!!!

On to Isabella's Stuff

After Alessandra opens her presents, she willingly opens Isabella's presents. At this point, Isabella does not object. She just sat back and enjoyed her view. Isabella got two outfits, a flash light, and a walker. For now, I think Alessandra is going to enjoy a few of those until Isabella can play with them better. Alessandra also got an outfit to match one of Isabella's. That is why you see two of the same in the one picture.

Alessandra just opened a Barbie Tough Trike...Her first Tricycle!!!! Oh Boy!!! Now Daddy has something to put together.

Alessandra is opening a bath tub toy. It is Elmo riding in a boat. The toy propels through the water.

Alessandra loves playing with dolls, and she just opened a new doll. She also got another outfit for the doll.
Isabella is taking it all in. She was watching Alessandra open all the presents.

Daddy helps Alessandra play her new instruments.

Let's Get Started!!!

The first thing Alessandra opened was a "band in a bucket". It has a kazoo, rhythm fish, harmonica, tambourine, 2 egg shakers, and spoons. She is just getting started on her musical way.

Merry Christmas

We celebrated Christmas on 12/24 because Billy had to work all day on 12/25. Alessandra had fun opening up her presents and also opening up Isabella's presents. Alessandra waits to open the first present.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Finally Asleep

For about two weeks, Isabella has been sleeping through the night. However, the past three nights, she has been up to nurse about 1-2 times in the middle of the night. Am I glad when she finally takes a nap. Unfortunately, it is not usually when Alessandra naps...

Open Wide

Whenever Alessandra is eatting, she makes sure she open's wide for her bite. She does not want to miss anything. One of Alessandra's favorite cereal is Kashi Toasted O's. The best part of a bowl of cereal is drinking the milk out of the bowl. Daddy is watching a football game..."Go Eagles!"

Our Other "Baby"

Yes, here is Bucky. He is the other baby we have. He loves barking at anyone walking or driving by the house, slobbering all over everyone, cuddling with Alessandra, licking Billy's face, and getting under everyone's feet!

Yum! Pancakes!

Alessandra is eating whole wheat pancakes with berries (blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries) and maple syrup. Yes, they were pretty good.